Film #14: The Bridge on the River Kwai

The Bridge on the River Kwai is a film that the viewer really has to pay attention to so that he/she knows what’s going on. I found myself getting confused at different parts because I either missed something or wasn’t following the story very well. However, that was the only problem I had with this film. The production elements are extraordinary. The best parts of the films were the scenery/sets and the cinematography. The location for the film was beautiful and very real. The camera did an amazing job capturing the scenery. I liked the long shots and extreme long shots because the viewers could enjoy the scenery. The scenes were constantly in different parts of the camp, so it was imperative that the cinematography make it clear where things were taking place. My favorite shot in this film is during the conversation between Colonel Nicholson and Captain Kanematsu while they’re on the bridge. The shots of their faces as they are talking make the conversation so much more meaningful than it would be if the camera just stood still and didn’t zoom. I thought the cinematography during this scene was really good!

Overall, I think The Bridge on the River Kwai didn’t have the most entertaining story, but the production elements were amazing and made the film that much more enjoyable.  

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